Still Life Photo Writing

Leaves- I like the simplicity of this photo. The light shining through the windows and the contrast of the wall and vase draws my eye to this image.

Flowers- Pink is my favorite color so this picture automatically caught my eye. I also like how the flowers are the main focus of this image. The straight-on viewpoint makes it seem as if you are in the room looking at it.

Bible- I chose this picture because it means something to me and is taken beautifully. There are many images of the Bible, but I like how the dark background contrasts with the light pages and how the roses add that extra touch.

Conceptual Self Portrait

Conceptual to me means it’s something that relates to you, it isn’t you specifically but it’s like different parts of you.

The first time I walked into an FFA event I finally felt at home. As I have gotten more involved in FFA I have grown a strong passion for the organization. In the future, I want to be an FFA advisor.

This picture incorporates every aspect of my volleyball life. It shows my jersey, the volleyball I use for hours on end at home practicing, the warmups we all hate because of how tight they are, and my Shoes. On my shoes, you can see where it says “AO1” This is my reminder I’m not playing for others to see me but for God.

The picture of the volleyball represents me in the fact that I play volleyball and it is my favorite sport. It is less personal than the one above but still represents the athlete in me.

The ribbons pictured are a few of the many ribbons I have hung on my wall from my 4-H career. I have had great success in all projects I have done and 4-H has shaped me into the person I am today.

My Still Life Photos

I feel my photos have strong composition, they are taken at angles to show the images well and follow most if not all composition rules. I also feel they are edited to the best of my ability bringing out the good of the picture and covering the bad. Some photos are hard to edit because they were not taken in good lighting. If I went back and did this again I would take all my pictures in well-lit areas. I think some of my photos belong on the blog homepage but not all. When looking at the pictures you can tell which ones I rushed in taking and which ones I took my time on.